Brand New: Syd feat Bobby Mapesa – Uta Do


This is not necessarily a new song, but Amby sent it over a few weeks ago together with the video attached. If am not wrong Syd was under Ted Josiahs camp at one point or the other (Blue Zebra) its been a while since I kept up with the local gossip columns however this track is surely a testament that he is still alive and relevant.

Bobby Mapesa is from the bugz and we featured him on a previous track here afew months ago. Collectively I think the pair makes this Uta do track interesting. The beat isn’t really like anything Mandugu Digital would do – meaning its missing the bounce. But its still an interesting worthy track to put on high rotation.

We apologize the track wasn’t linking well before but thats all resolved now

listen to uta do here:


download the track here:

watch the video here:


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