Rabbit feat Harry Kimani – Dodoma (GetMziki Exclusive *)


Harry Kimani

Some more random music I would like to post today. This is also another track I’ve been sitting on but am posting because I just stumbled on the video. I really don’t have any information on RABBIT (I really wouldn’t use that name if I was him, but lets move on). Harry Kimani is still the same, we have featured him over and over on the site – I still think he is on top of his game vocally and performance wise, however with the newbies SAUTI SOL and the likes of Stan, Harry might just become old news.

Now here are some interesting facts about this song – Now I personally happen to know where Dodoma is, Betty is not necessarily a common Gogo name (Wagogo come from Dodoma). But the highlight of the song is the chile in the video being insinuated as BETTY is non other than Toxic (unless my eyes were playing tricks on me). I know Toxic (Juliet) personally, well I knew her when I was in Kenya – the CHILE had an ASS I cant lie, but for the longest time people always had a misconception about who she was because she’d get up on stage and dance provocatively… The chic just loved dancing and am excited that she’s made a living out of shaking her ass – and is getting paid for it. (Actually as I understand she signed a deal with a US company so they have a 50/50 revenue split am not sure but thats the low down). But real talk unless this chile has changed since 2006, she was really a sweet humble chile (probably still a virgin then – she wasn’t even 20yrs old I think) And I know this has nothing to do with the song – but look at what 3 seconds of a Video Cameo can get for you 🙂

listen to Dodoma here:


download the track here:

watch the video here:


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