Wachera – Msichana Mdogo


I love Dallas, mainly because Wangari, Emma and some other local fools live around that area. Not to mention my man Tom Mwicigi (Uhuru Clothing) lives there. Its amazing Tom’s name has eventually become Uhuru Clothing. I told him it would happen but I guess he knew he was a walking brand – anyway I digress. There is a track from some Dallas chile that I have been meaning to post for weeks but I just keep getting caught up – life happens especially when you are stuck in this Obamaconomy, however am glad I am able to get to it today so here goes.

A few months ago when I heard this song I didn’t think it was all that, I thought it was just okay, I honestly felt like she has a good voice but the beats were too fruity-loops for me and the arrangement could do with some work. My personal opinion was that she has a voice which she needs to tap into and build up on. However I got ruled out by some of the ‘opinionators’ that we have on GetMziki. Personally I think these cats (whom I won’t name) just love Dallas and they got a lot of love for Wachera thats all. Down playing Wachera’s capabilities as an artist would be wrong because she’ been singing for few years but never really took it very seriously. Infact the lead vocals on Daddy V’s track are blessed by her cords. If you have listened to the infectious Daddy V tune – Nare and Julietta (if you guys recall these tracks the catchy hooks are what generally made these songs) then you’ve heard her. I just personally think that is she focused on singing and got some good ass producers she could be flawless.

Anyway Wachera is a sweet heart her emails and communication were just heart felt, I couldn’t help but post this track here. Give it a listen and let me know what you think –

listen to Msichana Mdogo:


download the track here:


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