Keko – Alwoo (A Cry for help) (GetMziki Exclusive ****)


My boy Howee sent me this track a while back but truthfully with being busy I slept on it for a while. But last week I started playing it over and over again and it hit me – apart from STL, this is probably the next best EAST AFRICAN female lyricist ive heard in a long time. I mean this girl can spit no doubt. If I was to count right about now I would put STL on my top fav fives, Keko and then possibly Nakaya.

Initially I was like this chile sounds like a dude, but once you get past the hoarse voice you will realize the songtress actually has a message and carries a crazy flow with it. I like the local dialect intergration (ALWOO) which means a cry for help – some conscious rap will always get you far. Look what its done for Ukoo fulani mau mau…

KEKO is a young up and coming Hip hop star from Uganda whose rise to fame came early this year (2010) with the releases of ‘’Fallen heroes’’ a duet with the Hip hop canvas 2010 ”How we do” and of course her first single Alwoo(cry for help) which we are debuting here today.

For more info on Keko and her work check out

listen to Alwoo here:


download the track here:

watch the video here:


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