Bamboo – Foreigner (GetMziki video cuts ***)


We’ve been contemplating on starting a new feature that just showcases new music videos that are shot on some good cameras with some basic concepts that are just fresh. I think if all goes as planned we probably will update these videos more frequently than the music since it appears that artists are quicker in uploading their videos than uploading their songs.

This week I want to feature a video that was shot in a Day in Las Vegas by Emerge Media/ Black Medley (Mike Wanguhu, Roy Wanguhu and crew). I think the reason I love this video the most is because it was so simple yet so captivating. Talk about an affordable video this would be one I highly recommend. Think about it, from start to finish Bamboo is in the car driving around Las Vegas on his way to pick up Kanja and Naomi. The bright lights and the image treatment that Black Medley used on this music video is just fresh. It also helps that Bamboos lyrical content is relevant to the mood created in the entire scene. The close ups on his face and his arm tattoo (repping Los Angeles) just add to the detail that creates the overall metaphor of who Bamboo truly is.

Either way here is the new Foreigner music video – physical copies of this video are available at request for all music producers reading this post.

update: we updated the track for download*

listen to foreigner here:


download the track here:

watch the video here:


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