Nick Mutuma – 254Anthem (GetMziki Exclusive **)


Real talk I am only posting this song coz this cat makes me happy – well more like he made me happy when he was playing me in the SHUGA mini movie a few months ago. Nick Mutuma was Leo in SHUGA!! what are the ODDS that some hunk would be playing another hunk ha ha ha ha. Anyway I kid. I think to me this is what I call diversity and probably what every artist needs to do to establish a solid foot print in the music biz.

Nick is an actor, an ambassador for the NGO Dance4Life, a rapper, loves drama and arts and is definitely working towards spreading awareness and empowering youth dealing with HIV. To me I think this is the ideal role model for any poster child trying to make it out there.

Bless this track which i think was a worthy effort into the music scene for Nick – big ups, and next time you play LEO on any movie you need to call me for rights… lol


downlaod the track here:

right click and hit [save target as]


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