Angela Chibalonza – Ebenezer (GetMziki Exclusive ****)


Early today June sent me this song which I didn’t really know how to react to especially coming from June. Anyone who knows June, will know how deep rooted she is in her Kaleo roots, her and Daisy just crack me up on a day to day basis with how dramatically shady they can get when it comes to advocating for their roots and cultural background. I love them both like my sisters – so I accepted the song with a grain of salt.

Surprisingly its a good song for a lose Monday and I think its worth sharing with the GetMziki enthusiast. Angela Chibalonza Muliri for many who don’t know her was a Kenyan based Gospel sensation who originally was from Congo. She accomplished a lot in her short lived life leaving behind 4 kids, a husband and a wealth of music and love. Its amazing when you think about it because she died about 3years ago on a nasty road accident but surprisingly the music still lives on and finds its ways through the interweb.

So for today for most of you Gospel fans – enjoy this soft sensational track (I think she had a very good voice)

listen to Ebenezer here:


download the track here:


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