Colonel Mustapha feat Avril – Mtaani dot Com (GetMziki Exclusive ***)


image courtesy of Ogopa Facebook

It feels like I am back to posting songs that i really like myself and that i want to hear across GetMziki. Real talk when we started this website we were committed to one thing and one thing only. We promised only to post songs that we thought were HOT. Overtime we got compelled to post songs that other people liked and not necessarily songs that we ourselves felt were particularly good.

Over the last few weeks since I got back into rotation I have been posting songs that I feel are worthy of this site. This is one such song. I’ve been singing this song since i saw the video on Ogopa’s YouTube a while back. I cant lie that I like Colonel Mustapha’s steez and his flows. One thing i admire and respect about Colonel and his partner is that they have stayed true to the Ogopa Brand since its inception. I cant imagine a Deux Vultures with no Ogopa. If this track is anything to go by in terms of Col. Mustapha’s up coming solo project then I have to admit its going to be one promising album.

Avril’s vocals are also up to my standards in terms of delivery, she sings her heart out and plus she is a dyme piece herself. It seems as though Lucas and crew dedicated their next level Ogopa team to some dime pieces, in any case sex and beauty sell – so we cant really disguise the success these new breed is having right now. For what its worth this is a killer track, its been on loop on my ipod for days now. Enjoy it.

listen to Mtaani dot com here:


download the track here:

watch the video here:


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