Diamond- Mbagala


We get tons of music from Alvin who is our main Tanzania source. I know he has come through tons of times when we either looking for bongo tracks or videos and we really appreciate all the “goodies” he sends us.

He slid the GetMziki team this single a couple of weeks ago and I have been marinating and bumping to this track for a while now. I’m always amazed at how some East African artists market their music, right from their bio, promo pics and press releases. Its like they “hide” all that info and expect people to search for it. I have goggled about “Diamond” a couple of times now and there’s not so much info about him. All I know is that the kid got heat!!!!

More Info: We are getting more info about Diamond. He is signed to Ali Kiba’s record company Sharoballo records and his first single was “Kamwambie”. Both this songs were produced by Bob Junior a singer turned producer.

I haven’t really heard any other tracks from him but if he keeps on releasing music like “Mbagala” this kid is the future of Tanzania R & B. The song is one of those “feel good tracks” that stick in your head just after one listen. On the song he talks about how he misses love based purely on romance instead of the “financial” romance type. The videos is also straight “authentic” where they showcase the streets and towns in a unique way. Check out the “garbage dump” scene in the video that truly captures the uniqueness of the track.

Enjoy this track that will soon be in your favorite top 10 tracks of 2010.

Listen to the track below:


Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)

Watch The Video below:


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