Eko Dydda – Beautiful People (**GetMziki Exclusive)


Update: Sorry to all the parties involved. I had the incorrect picture of the artist.

During the 2012 Gospel Groove awards, Eko Dydda won the male artist award. Some people have probably danced to his music and possible never knew it. His past hits include 'Ghetto”, “Me and My House” and many more.

On his latest single “Beautiful people” Eko ta

lks about tribalism in a lyrical witty way. You really gotta listen to the song to know what I'm talking about. Here are just a few examples

“I choose not to be tribal, I choose to be Tribe_all


Mimi ni Mkale na bibi ni Mkamba, mtoto tunamwita Omondi

According to Eko “I have met the enemy and it is tribalism. That tribalism is an aspect of human nature, which must once have served a purpose, is a piece of evolutionary baggage that we can no longer afford to carry around.”

Watch the video below:
