H_Art The Band ft. Bensoul – Masheesha



This is brand new from Kenyan music band called H_Art featuring Bensoul with Masheesha

With Social Life moving to Social media ,Most youths are looking for/finding Love through Social Media sites.Its not really a bad thing but, problem comes in when most people on social media tend to live a fake life .

‘MASHEESHA’ is based on this; Boy meets Girl on social media & invites her out for a date.Problem is that, the lady doesn’t come by herself but with all her friends & the guy had only budgeted for two people LOL!!! To make matters worse, the guy’s Instagram profile reads that he is a high profile lawyer when he is just an ordinary hawker *inserts scream emoji*

Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)

Watch the video below: