Habida – Kesho (GetMziki Exclusive ***)



I’ll be the first guy to admit that i thought Habida was a one hit wonder, which in itself is also contradicting because its not like her first hit track was performed by herself alone. Sunshine was a collaboration between her and Nameless which got many of us fixated on her beauty over vocal talents. I say it over and over again if you are fine, people will tend to overlook your singing. I mean there is a chick I would like to get her number from the Ogopa camp called Marya (I think thats Colonel Mustafa’s Girlfriend) but doesn’t change the fact that I think she is so hot that i really never pay so much attention to the singing ha ha ha lol.

Anyway fortunately there are moments such as today where people prove me wrong coz I think this track proves that Habida can stand her own and justifies the fact that she has been singing for years before the Kenyan scene took notice. I also like the fact that she attempts something that I believe she hasn’t done in a while. Singing in swahili puts her on a level of her own in terms of delivery and expression. I hope the world is ready for her – this is a good debut song into the East African market. Good luck with your journeys

listen to Kesho here:


[Download the track here: RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS]

watch the video here:


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