Harry Kimani – Nakuwaza


The first time I saw Harry Kimani was at a concert or rather a show where he was performing some Kikuyu track titled WAITHERA. Now personally I don’t understand Kyuk, but truthfully Waithera really sounded nice. The guy could pluck a guitar and honestly each time he said “Waithera Waithera Waithera – could you be my number one?” It felt like he was crying. The song felt deep and the artists delivery of the song was just genuine. Its rare to meet such artists in Kenya. I could have sworn he wrote that song from his heart.

The next time I saw Harry Kimani was on a music video kicking it with Farida – Its shocking that the acting on the music video was on point and I guess Ted Josiah has a way with Camera’s because the video looked and seemed believable too. So again I was overwhelmed a little but I liked that song too – HAIYA (thats the name of the song)

Last year (2007) when I got my hands on this track – I honestly removed the CD and refused to listen to the song until I got a better Stereo. When I got home, I slipped in this song, and to date – I think this has to be one of the best songs to come out of any studio in KENYA. From the lyrics, the delivery, the composition to the sincerity. HARRY KIMANI is destined to do great things if he keeps his music on this line. He just needs to lay of the CRACK PIPE!

Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)


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