Hussein Machozi Feat DNA – Full Shangwe (Remix)



To start off this post, I would like to thank everybody who replied on the “Files not found” snafu we had this past week.  We appreciate your input!!!!!

We have featured Hussein Machozi on GetMziki before with his song “Kaffia Ghetto”.  Ok,  I must admit I did’nt expect the comments on that post to exceed 30, but I appreciate everyone who took their time to voice their opinion. On this song, Hussein  Machozi enlists DNA from Kenya for a perfect collabo.  When artists do remixes, they sometimes sound forced or just spoil the original versions structure. However on this collabo the song final remix version,  is a sure banger!!!!!.

I really commend the engineer who did this song’s mixing since, the couple of  adlibs of DNA on the song where he goes like “yeah, sawa, twende”  holds the listener waiting for DNA’s perfect rap bars where he starts off with “Nikiwa kwenye fani babu full mzuka” and delivers tons of punchlines.  Perfect TZ and KE collabo.  Enjoy!!!!!

listen to the song here:


download the song here:

[Download the track here:] (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)


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