Jimmy Gathu – Stay Alive (GetMziki Throwback)


Let me make this post in two sections since I want to touch up on two main things as I write this.

  1. So called Celebs of Kenya and Entertainers
  2. Artist Social Responsibility in the community

So lets talk about the first since I was a so called “Celeb” at one point in my life. One of the biggest things for me was to always ask myself whats going to happen to me after all is said and done. Luckily I quit radio while I was still ontop, I honestly didnt feel like killing my career in media. However often I sit and ask myself like when you look at the spectrum of artists, entertainers and musicians in Kenya – who today can you say is/was successful in riding out their careers. Like where are the big stars of the 80/90’s? Where is Joe Mwamburi, Where is ESTA (Tushauriane super star?), Where is that Blueband kid (okay he wasnt a celeb but where is he), Where is Fred Obachi Machoka?

I think with the exception of folks like Five Alive – many Kenyan old school acts just kinda fizzle off. I dont know why but it just happened over time. Thats why sometimes when I think of Jimmy Gathu I feel like this is one cat who really rode out his media career and somehow has made a living off it. I respect his gangsta a lot. Jimmy has a lovely wife and family/kids and stuff and he still is on TV (Breakfast morning on Citizen I believe). But I am sure Jimmy doesn’t want to see this song am about to post today – I wish I could get my hands on the Jam-A-Delic clips ha ha ha that would be a trip and a half. Anyway Kule (Ekirapa) (you need to pull off that show – real talk).

The second part of this post is to talk about these social advocacy programs and initiatives. Today Kenyan artists will not just make a song fwaaaa!!! There has to be some organizational body behind the entire thing. I am not saying this Jimmy Gathu, Sheila Tet, Suzanne Kibukosya inspired track wasnt paid for by Kenya Road Safety Network, I am just saying that more and more artists need to make more conscious music. More mainstream artists need to talk about relevant shit more frequently than not. So far we only have the Ukoo Fulani mau mau’s who skew heavily toward understanding the self. Me am talking about these elections, these pocket eating politicians, these gun touting thugs and rapists, these road killing drunk motorists. Anyway do we have civil or social responsibility locally? How do we address that?

Moving right along this track was fire when it came out – it was on heavy rotation. Its amazing when I see Suzzanne Kibukosya wearing a mini (eiishh those mama has BODY yawa…) I can see why our old men were really sumbuliwad by the trio. Not withstanding Katherine Kasavuli who every Kenyan Old man had a crush on. Enjoy its a Wednesday and my mind is all over the place but this is a classic track.

listen to stay alive here:


download the track here:

watch the video here:


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