Jimwatt – SikuJua (Calif Records)



Jimwatt who has a bunch of hits under his belt by now and is probably one of the oldest Calif Record Veterans, has scored this new joint as an upcoming single in one of the Cali Record compilation albums. I tried to get more information from Califrecords website but it seems to be down. Normally Clemo and Calif Records are pretty good about providing singles online before they hit radio stations in Kenya, but I think they have fallen off. No need to worry Clemo – we will carry the legacy for you.

Siku Jua is a cool mellow track, Jimwatt’s delivery is always awesome, Sikujua hizo roundi zote ulilipia (dem anaji duu ati hakujua msee alikuwa ametokwa) the lyrics are funny, delivered on an melllow accordion – to youthfully blend into a Calif Records beat.

More info on Calif Records no Wikipedia here : Calif Records on Wikipedia


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