Kagwe Mungai – African Lady


This is new from Kagwe Mungai

The African Lady video is the most romantic love story of 2017. This modern day fairy tale tells the story of Kagwe and Malaika who are deeply in love. Their epic romance stretches through the tear-jerking trails and tribulations of college life and young adulthood.

Directed by Stanz Visuals

Here is an excerpt back in 2012 when I talked about the ‘African Girl/ AFrical Lady/ African Woman theme”

The “African Girl” theme has been done by various artists and when artists try to recreate their own versions people will always compare with what’s out there.

It’s not a bad record but I see an angle of musical laziness..

For a recap of the 2016 GetMziki warmup click here


Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)

Watch the video below:


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