Lady Jay Dee Feat Prof. Jay – Joto, Hasira


We taking it to Tanzania with this post with some heavyweights on the track. I’ve had the opportunity to interview Prof. Jay during my radio days a few years ago when he was on his American tour and through the on and off air discussions, he’s one of the artists who always has a vision on the future and ways of keeping relevant in the music industry. Those who keenly follow his music can definitely relate to what I’m saying.

Music goes in circles and trends come and die and as artists having a balance is what makes longevity in careers. A good example is that people now are into “Popping Molly’s”, “Turning up” and on the production side, producers are currently going crazy on the automation clip with the filters , which are trends that are currently ruling heavy in various tracks across the world. As an artist you gotta know what trends are out there, deciding on whether to run with them whether in terms of beat production or lyrics which add certain flare to records instead of stagnating.

Jay Dee and Prof Jay are artists who’ve embraced various trends out there in Africa and the world as a whole which make their music cater to a worldwide audience. Joto Hasira is a great record that will definitely be packing dance floors for a while. Kudos to the collabo and the great video.

Listen to the track below:


Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)

Watch the video below:


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