Muzi – Oboho Anthem (GetMziki Exclusive ***)


I rarely post any song with no mp3 especially because this has little to do with our video showcase feature that Dona posted last week, but honestly I had to put up this song today otherwise I would go sick. This particular video has been going around the internet like a small virus. Probably not as big as MAKEMENDE but I think you can rest assured that by next week this will have a couple of thousand views (especially after exposing it to our 30,000 users plus and counting lol)

I grew up in Eastlands for majority part of my life, I experienced the whole Oboho phenomenon although I never considered myself one. Truthfully I never thought the day we would glorify an Oboho would come but today I am almost proud to be called an Oboho.. man Kauzi, Man Omwabo, Man Ongori… Man Otero. Real talk this video just made my day, am filled with warm thoughts of joy as I watch Muzi walk and talk like an Oboho. The video captures every little aspect of being an Oboho or growing up in Eastlands its almost a little too perfect. Although they missed capturing the dush keeping, fea holding, chulita hitting Oboho’s they still did a massive job in convincing me that this shit is fly.

To top it off he sang the entire shit – I mean he didn’t have to but he did. What are the ODDs that someone would make a song about OBOHO’s and it just sounds fly ha ha ha … am floored. Muzi big ups. Owongo mbaya umeniwahi ten nil na hii ngoma. Mad respect. I had to drop this track today.

Enjoy it.


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