Nonini Feat Chege – Kukachora



It’s been awhile since we graced Nonini on the GetMziki pages. Anytime I get emails from Nonini, I’m always curious to what new offering he has for the music fans out there. There’s no question that Nonini can make hit records and although a few of his recent records have not been household records, he still stays relevant in the music industry. My own personal opinion was that “Tudunde” was a hit record, but I don’t believe all “Promo” tools were used to make it a bigger single. Not to be discouraged by that, Nonini comes out with “Kukachora” where he says that

Kuna Projects mingi nimefanya na ndugu yangu Chege Chigunda toka long time. Na 2015 hi mojo kati ya project Kadhaa tumefanya pamoja ndani ya Studio ya Bruce Odhiambo (Johari Cleff). Hii nyimbo mpya yaitwa Kukachora ambaye producer ni Dillie na kisha imekua mixed and mastered by Musyoka of Decimal Records.
Nyimbo yenyewe inazungumza na jamii sana sana vijana kueza kuwaelimisha kuhusu kupanga au kuPlan maisha vizuri kwa ufupi Kukachora.
People sometimes take you for granted with steps you make in life thinking that it just happened. No it didn’t just happen first you need Gods favor then lazima Kukachora kwa ujanja na ku avoid mambo mbili tatu yale yanaangusha vijana skuizi. Kila mtu yuko na story yake pali alitoka and its time we start telling these stories in our music to be mentors/motivators and most importantly role models in the society.
But end of the day once your doors have been opened never forget to do the same to the next person and let it be a ripple effect and pole pole we can change the World. Give back kwa community/Kwa Society. Na hio ndio Kukachora!!!
Whats your story?

Will this record stick to the masses….

I was feeling this. Dope record from Nonini and Chege…

Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)


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