Proffesor Jay – Hapo Sawa (GetMziki Special Edition)


Proffesor Jay

One of the few songs we posted when we started building this website was Hapo sawa, I know many people slept on that track because it was fairly new at the time and we had the remix instead of the main track. The original track was produced by Mandugu Digital (Ambrose). I actually think that was one of their first collaborations. To hear the bounce beat on a Tanzanian artists was a little scary, we didnt know what to expect – but today at least one new track coming out of Tanzania is produced by Mandugu.

Needless to say I thought I would post the original song to compare the two versions, both are fairly old but still relevant tracks today.

“ilinifanikiwe nahitaji marafiki, ilinifanikiwe zaidi nahitaji maadui” That line kills me all the time…

listen to hapo sawa here:


download the track here:

watch the video here:


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