Brand New: Sanaa – Najuta



Okay the last song in this new Music Tuesday will have to be something candid and uplifting. So how about this brand new Sanaa. Now normally people have said I am biased towards Sanaa coz I think she is a cake (trophy chile). Uwongo Mbaya – Sanaa sure enough is a cake but she can also sing, whats intriguing about her she has a tendancy to pick good songs and her swahili is up to my standards of expectations… wai wai..

Clemo blessed this track with some crazy Coastarian sounds and instruments, listen to the accordions and flutes. I spent a lot of my youth time listening to Taarab, and this song captures a few of those elements it almost feels like I am walking down Malindi. This is definitely not a song I would play at a club but you can bet I will be playing it over and over on my ipod. Awesome track – BEAT YA CLEMO!!! (Shorty can sing though, dame anaimba jo!! Anaimba kama Chiriku!! jamani lol)

Enjoy the track …

listen to Najuta here:


download the track here:


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