Update: This track was produced by Musyoka in 2004. the artists on the track are Edna and Linda. Currently Edna is working in corporate Kenya and Linda Muthama, well she has been roller coasting with Nyambane under his Ultimate Band. L
inda Muthama was also part of the whole Tusker project fame gig. Was was also a Coca Cola popstarts runners up in 2004.
During this time I guess Linda and Edna were going to kick off a project with Homeboyz based of their different successes but due to some personal reasons the project didnt kick off as expected. Somewhere i between this time this track was produced and lost in the skirmishes as SEMA also was coming out the same year and too much was going on. Somehow in 2006 Homeboyz started playing this track in radio and it eventually found its legs on my lap through a dream and a vision and essentially we have manage to revive the luster and fury it had back in the day.
The songs title is well fitting with its current buzz in the market place.. the song is a survivor
I have an interesting mind when it comes to music appreciation. I consume a lot of sound and music day to day, however one of the few things that I think separates me from an ordinary guy is that I wake up each morning with a different track playing in my head the whole day. Everyday I will wake up with a song playing in my mind, its often so vivid, too vivid that I can hear the lyrics the sound and the composition so well that if I was to go into a studio I possibly can remake the damn thing if I could.
However some days I am just humming and buzzing to tunes that are stuck in my memory for years that I cant seem to remember who or what. Today I woke up to this track called Survivor. Truly I couldn’t remember who performed it, when or how. Its possible because the artists actually just had this one hit track then disappeared, from what I hear she is currently Gospel so its likely that I would never have remembered her at all. However thanks to our extensive DJ network its easy for me to mention the tune to someone and they will immediately know what I was talking about.
Survivor came out in Kenya a while back (notice I have been posting a lot of throwbacks lately).
Tamani or better known as Mitchelle is sort of a Genge sensational artists that I personally thought was produced by Musyoka turns out she was actually an Ogopa project. The track I have posted is the shit I woke up hearing in my head, playing over and over again. I cant explain the circumstances of the loop in my brain but reality is that immediately I sent this email to one of my boys it came back with the appropriate results and it just didn’t drop with the song itself it came with the goodies too. So in Ode to Tamani for making this crazy track back in the day (2006) Survivor was a hot track, Ogopa was going places with this artist I just wish there was more such material from her. Because honestly evidently 4 years later am still jumping up and down with excitement over the track.
listen to survivor here:
Download the song below:
Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)
listen to the extras here:
download survivor here: [right click and hit save target as]
download the instrumental here: [right click and hit save target as]
download the accapella here: [right click and hit save target as]
Prime sent me the track that I had playing in my head (Slikk remix).
If you’d like to give this a couple of spins go ahead: [Right Click and hit save target as]