The Game in Kenya // Exclusive Videos


For those who didnt know, the GAME actually was in Kenya courtesy of MTV Base and the Kiss FM team – I hear he shut it down on many levels. Good thing the GAME crew had a camera on site and some of the footage has been sambazwad online… I had to share, enjoy..

ps. I hear GAME cleared like two bottles of Vodo on stage and still managed to go on with the show (owe plus some Kenyan Boza).

pss. THE GAME bringing Kenyan artists on stage was probably one of the BIGGEST things ive seen an international star do in Kenya. Am not saying its never been done before, but I think for a rapper of his caliber to show respect to Jua Cali, Wahu amongst others really changed the mindset for many of us.

Thanks to the GAME crew – and thanks to my peeps at Worldstar hihop for sharing the video

Episode I


Now normally I wouldnt even trip about concerts in South Africa coz it goes without saying every US artists has been to SA at one point or the other. But GAME continues to overwhelm me with this clip, you can forward until about 6min mark where he lets this kid get on stage and sing his song… THE KID MURDERED .. MURDERED.. Games ends up giving him his chain… SICK.. Africa Stand Up.. this is our time.


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